Dialysis Center in Guam
Dialysis centers help hundreds of thousands of Americans suffering from chronic kidney disease and renal failure. At these medical facilities, patients are able to receive the necessary treatments and interventions that they need in order to function and continue to live normal lives despite their illness. The Guam Phone Book is the best way to find an accredited dialysis center in Guam. Just use the search bar to look up a pertinent keyword to access our listings.
Dialysis or hemodialysis is a form of medical treatment that takes over the kidney’s functions in the event of organ failure. It is also prescribed for patients who suffer from chronic kidney disease. The treatment involves filtering and purifying a patient’s blood through a machine to remove excess water, salt, and waste products to restore chemical balance in the body. Dialysis patients typically need to visit a dialysis center in Guam three times a week. If you are looking into dialysis or renal replacement therapy yourself, The Guam Phone Book’s business listings section makes it easy to find a dialysis unit at a hospital or a standalone dialysis center near you.